
The goal of Swedish Massage is to melt away muscle tension and increase the blood flow to your heart. Swedish Massage is extremely therapeutic as it decreases muscle toxins, increases oxygen levels in the blood, and improves flexibility in the body. 

Deep Tissue

Deep Tissue Massage reaches deeper layers of muscles. It is used to break down knots and relieve pressure points throughout the body. This massage is beneficial for athletes and those who sit for long periods. 

Body stretching

Body stretching is one of my specialities, My clients usually add 15 minutes body stretching onto their massage session. This  is usually done on the floor so you can obtain the maximum results, this technique is good for people who hold too much tension or ideally for anyone who wants to realise stress and fatigue. After  the session you will feel energetic and positive to carry on with your day. Massage and bodywork techniques relieve the symptoms of existing back pain and help people who so far have a healthy back to keep it that way. Looking after the back and keeping it in good shape benefits the whole body and greatly enhances the quality of life.

Bad News

At least seventy per cent of people suffer from backache at same stages in their lives and in about fifty per cent of these cases the pain recur within two years. Back pain is the most common cause of discomfort and disability, with the exception of the common cold. This is the main reason why people take time off work. Needless to say this results in great financial losses both for the individuals concerned and for their employers. A stiff back hinders freedom of movement and the healthy functioning of nerves and is a precursor to a surprisingly varied collection of problems, such as poor circulation restricted breathing, premature aging and arthritis. 

Good News

The good news is that most backaches and pains can be prevented by keeping muscles and joints supple and mobile and by learning how not to inflict unnecessary stresses and strains on the back and the rest of the body.

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